SO, it's been awhile since I written a news post and I wanted to update on what projects I've actively working on. For far right now I've been workin on two
First off "{[THE BIG SHOT]}", well obvoiusly from the title and image above, this is a Spamton animation based on the fantasic Alex Rochon fandubs. So far I have one third of the video done and with progress going very smoothly, I'm aiming for it to come out by the end of the year (also to add on, it is suprisengly fun to animate Spamton).
Second off "The Misadventures of Ant Volume 3: Low Ridin' Rushdown Episode 1", Well I'm pretty sure 0.1% of people know what this is, but I'll talk about it anyways. The production has been abit rocky, from putting off progress to start other animations, to accidenty (and stupidly) losing all progress, It hasn't been fun. Right now It currently shevled due to the Spamton video, so the release of this episode is up in the air, so I apologize to the one guy looking forward to it.
That is currently all I have for now, I'd say the Spamton video might be my last animation for the year (unless something funny happens). So hopefully you look forward to what is being made here and beyond, have a good Saturday
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